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Currently viewing the tag security patrol

Do Neighborhood Watch Signs Help Improve Residential Security?

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The Purpose of the Neighborhood Watch

Community Security a Concern? Our Bay Area Patrol Company Offers Insight

The neighborhood watch is a long-standing concept that embodies the idea of coming together as a community to keep one another safe. While some neighborhoods find the idea antiquated, many are rediscovering the benefits of having a local security patrol driving through the neighborhood. Installing neighborhood watch signs can deter criminals, but only when the community is prepared to back them up. Read more…

6 Quick Vehicle Security Tips

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security patrol can prevent vehicle breakins in san jose

Vehicle Safety Tips Form a Bay Area Security Company

You don’t have to own a BMW for thieves to target your vehicle. Criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and far too many people neglect even the most basic safety measures. Following these six simple tips can make it harder than you think for thieves to drive off with your four-wheeled pride and joy. Read more…

5 Reasons to Hire Security Guards for Your Apartment Building

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bay area security guards for apartment buildings

Has Your Apartment Building Considered Hiring a Security Guard Company?

Protecting your apartment building is a top priority, and your San Jose patrol of skilled and competent security guards is your best bet for maintaining safety and peace of mind for yourself and for all tenants. Here are a few of the benefits you’ll realize from setting up San Jose security guards to exert a watchful eye over your premises. Read more…

4 Ways to Protect Your Outdoor Area from Vandalism

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san jose alarm response and mobile security patrol company

Bay Area Security Guards Give Their Top Tips for Preventing Vandalism and Break-Ins

With warmer weather here, many of us take advantage of the season to enjoy our outdoor amenities. From pools to patios, we accessorize our space—making it another prime target for uninvited guests. We aren’t talking about the neighbors who like to crash your pool parties, but vandals that won’t think twice about trashing your summer sanctuary. Whether it’s graffiti or the theft of your favorite lawn chair (those things can get expensive!), a little prevention goes a long way. Use these four summer security tips to protect your outdoor area:

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8 Tips To Stay Safe In Parking Lots at Night

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Bay Area security company, security patrol companies, San Jose patrol

Professional Advice from Security Guards for Staying Safe

Criminals and predators often stalk parking lots, searching for their next unwitting victim. Bay Area Security companies offer assistance to businesses that want to keep their patrons safe, but there are times when you may not find security patrol in some public parking lots. Always practice safety when entering and exiting your vehicle. Read more…

7 Summertime Home Security Tips

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santa clara security companies tips for summer home security

7 Home Security Tips from a Bay Area Security Company

Ah Summer—the time to relax, get away from it all, and the season for break-ins. As nefarious as that sounds, burglars love to take advantage of the vacation season to sneak into unoccupied homes and to profit from your getaway. Even the best neighborhood security patrol may need a little help, which is why we’ve compiled this list of summertime security tips. Read more…

Why Physical Security Should Be Just As Important As Cybersecurity

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san jose security services

How Security Guards and Cybersecurity Work Together

Let’s face it. Cybersecurity is vital! Such is its prominence and importance that hardly a day goes by before it gets mentioned on National news whether it is about cyber terrorism, national government vulnerabilities, or massive data hacks on large corporations. It is this importance that leads to numerous businesses spending significant resources on provisions such as encryption software to safeguard their data and IT systems (and correctly so, to add). Read more…

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