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Currently viewing the tag security guards

14 Back-to-School Security Tips for Parents and Children

Posted in Home Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

san jose patrol for back to school safety

San Jose Patrol Discusses School Security Tips

It’s that time again! If you’re a parent, then you know exactly what we’re talking about. That bittersweet time when you send your little ones off to school and realize that they aren’t so little anymore. Nostalgia aside, this can also be a time of anxiety for many parents. Read more…

9 Ways to Improve Physical Security at Your Business

Posted in Business Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

security patrol

Has Your Business Considered a Security Company?

Criminals have gotten smarter, which means it’s time to update and improve your physical security systems. Fortunately, there are new and improved ways to protect your assets against those with less than noble intentions. These nine tips can help keep your business at Fort-Knox-level security at a more reasonable price. Read more…

8 Tips To Stay Safe In Parking Lots at Night

Posted in Business Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

Bay Area security company, security patrol companies, San Jose patrol

Professional Advice from Security Guards for Staying Safe

Criminals and predators often stalk parking lots, searching for their next unwitting victim. Bay Area Security companies offer assistance to businesses that want to keep their patrons safe, but there are times when you may not find security patrol in some public parking lots. Always practice safety when entering and exiting your vehicle. Read more…

Why Physical Security Should Be Just As Important As Cybersecurity

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san jose security services

How Security Guards and Cybersecurity Work Together

Let’s face it. Cybersecurity is vital! Such is its prominence and importance that hardly a day goes by before it gets mentioned on National news whether it is about cyber terrorism, national government vulnerabilities, or massive data hacks on large corporations. It is this importance that leads to numerous businesses spending significant resources on provisions such as encryption software to safeguard their data and IT systems (and correctly so, to add). Read more…

10 Reasons to Hire a Security Guard for Your Business

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Physical security company

Has Your Business Considered a Security Company?

Every day, there are reported incidences of crimes, theft, and assault happening within business premises. For this reason, the security of your business premises needs to be given adequate attention. One essential step that can be helpful in protecting the security of your business is hiring the services of a security guard. Read more…

These 5 Necessary Tips Will Help Keep Your Small Business Safe

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security surveillance footage monitored by security guard

A Bay Area Security Company Covers Small Business Security 101

Encryption, firewalls, and vulnerability scans are often a firm’s best defense against a potential hack. Many businesses tend to overlook physical security. Unbeknownst to them, data thieves may not even need a computer to easily gain access to vulnerable information. Without locked doors nor security badges to protect your company data, your business becomes the perfect target. Read more…

Does Your Organization Need an Executive Protection Program?

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Why Your Organization Will Benefit from Executive Protection Services

Bay Area security company


Within any organization, there are high ranking officials whose official duties and responsibilities, net worth, or level of fame and recognition make them huge potential targets for criminals. These individuals usually end up needing extra protection since their prominence makes them more susceptible being victims of violent crimes.

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