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Currently viewing the tag security guards

The Best 4 Ways to Prevent Theft at Your Business

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shoplifting prevention tips

Your Business Could Use a Bay Area Security Company

Are you protected against theft in your place of business? Theft can rob you not only of your well-earned revenues, but also of the security that you and your team feel in their place of work. Consider strategies that help to prevent theft and that can restore your own peace of mind.

Consider implementing these tactics to prevent theft in your store or retail space:

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Top 5 Benefits of Having Security Patrol at Your Business

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san jose, bay area, rental property security

Our San Jose Security Company Weighs In

Large and small businesses have to grapple with the reality that crimes could occur at the business premises at any time. As such, most businesses opt to procure the services of a Bay Area security patrol company to deter criminals. While this is definitely one of the benefits of having security guards, it’s not the only one.

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What Are The Best Physical Security Practices?

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Security companies

5 Security Tips From a Palo Alto Security Company

Physical security is critical for the protection of data, networks, equipment, assets, and personnel in the building. It refers to measures taken to guarantee that only authorized personnel have access to resources, assets, and equipment within a facility. A building’s security could be compromised by natural disasters such as floods and fires or by malicious attacks such as theft, sabotage, vandalism, terrorism, and theft.

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7 Security Mistakes Your Building Probably Makes

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san jose security company

Security Tips for Apartment and Office Buildings

Is your building secure enough with only a CCTV system in place? Probably not. Data from the U.S. Department of Justice indicates that a building without an alarm system is four times more likely to be broken into. While the absence of an alarm system is a potential security loophole, other security mistakes can put your building at greater risk.

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6 Reasons Corporations Need an Executive Protection Strategy

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palo alto security guards

Why Your Organization Will Benefit from Executive Protection Services

Don’t underestimate the urgency to adopt an executive protection strategy for your leadership team as well as your staff. Waiting to react to threats or problems could be detrimental, if not catastrophic, to your company’s wellbeing and your employees’ safety. Put a plan in action now rather than wait for a crisis to erupt. Work with Palo Alto executive protection professionals to learn more and brainstorm potential strategies.

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Preventing Robberies at Convenience Stores with Physical Security

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san jose security guard company

Bay Area Physical Security is a Must-Have

A survey carried out by the National Retail Federation (NRF) indicates that there is a consistent decline in the average loss for every robber. In 2016, the average amount of money stolen in each robbery was $5,309.72 which was down from $8,189.17 in 2015. This figure further dropped to $4,237.02 in 2017.

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5 Reasons to Hire Security Guards for Your Apartment Building

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bay area security guards for apartment buildings

Has Your Apartment Building Considered Hiring a Security Guard Company?

Protecting your apartment building is a top priority, and your San Jose patrol of skilled and competent security guards is your best bet for maintaining safety and peace of mind for yourself and for all tenants. Here are a few of the benefits you’ll realize from setting up San Jose security guards to exert a watchful eye over your premises. Read more…

5 Simple Loss Prevention Tips For Bay Area Businesses

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palo alto security companies

Your Business Could Use a Security Company

No one likes to lose money, and shoplifting accounts for thousands of dollars in losses for businesses of every size each year. Watching your hard-earned money waltz right out the front door is discouraging and financially harmful. Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect yourself against shoplifters and the loss of products. Read more…

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