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Preventing Robberies at Convenience Stores with Physical Security

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san jose security guard company

Bay Area Physical Security is a Must-Have

A survey carried out by the National Retail Federation (NRF) indicates that there is a consistent decline in the average loss for every robber. In 2016, the average amount of money stolen in each robbery was $5,309.72 which was down from $8,189.17 in 2015. This figure further dropped to $4,237.02 in 2017.

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How to Keep Your Home Safe This Holiday Season

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holiday home safety tips

A Bay Area Security Company Shares How to Ensure Your Home is Secure During the Holidays

The holidays are a time for giving and celebrating with friends and family. Unfortunately, this time of year doesn’t always bring out the best in everyone. For criminals, the holidays are the perfect time to cash in on vacant homes and the generosity of others. While installing a home security system with a San Jose security company is ideal, we’ve put together some additional tips to keep your home safe this season.

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Do Neighborhood Watch Signs Help Improve Residential Security?

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The Purpose of the Neighborhood Watch

Community Security a Concern? Our Bay Area Patrol Company Offers Insight

The neighborhood watch is a long-standing concept that embodies the idea of coming together as a community to keep one another safe. While some neighborhoods find the idea antiquated, many are rediscovering the benefits of having a local security patrol driving through the neighborhood. Installing neighborhood watch signs can deter criminals, but only when the community is prepared to back them up. Read more…

6 Quick Vehicle Security Tips

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security patrol can prevent vehicle breakins in san jose

Vehicle Safety Tips Form a Bay Area Security Company

You don’t have to own a BMW for thieves to target your vehicle. Criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and far too many people neglect even the most basic safety measures. Following these six simple tips can make it harder than you think for thieves to drive off with your four-wheeled pride and joy. Read more…

5 Simple Loss Prevention Tips For Bay Area Businesses

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palo alto security companies

Your Business Could Use a Security Company

No one likes to lose money, and shoplifting accounts for thousands of dollars in losses for businesses of every size each year. Watching your hard-earned money waltz right out the front door is discouraging and financially harmful. Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect yourself against shoplifters and the loss of products. Read more…

The Top 5 Myths About Physical Security

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Bay Area surveillance system

Palo Alto Physical Security Company Discusses Top 5 Security Myths

As a physical security company, it’s our job to educate clients about the potential for risks and to offer solutions. As a good physical security company, it’s our job to convince you to care about your safety as much as we do. Technological advances have given criminals better tools—leading to an increase in building attacks. All it takes is one incident to derail your business and your life—doesn’t it make sense to prepare for this? Read more…

14 Back-to-School Security Tips for Parents and Children

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san jose patrol for back to school safety

San Jose Patrol Discusses School Security Tips

It’s that time again! If you’re a parent, then you know exactly what we’re talking about. That bittersweet time when you send your little ones off to school and realize that they aren’t so little anymore. Nostalgia aside, this can also be a time of anxiety for many parents. Read more…

7 Summertime Home Security Tips

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santa clara security companies tips for summer home security

7 Home Security Tips from a Bay Area Security Company

Ah Summer—the time to relax, get away from it all, and the season for break-ins. As nefarious as that sounds, burglars love to take advantage of the vacation season to sneak into unoccupied homes and to profit from your getaway. Even the best neighborhood security patrol may need a little help, which is why we’ve compiled this list of summertime security tips. Read more…

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