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Currently viewing the tag physical security company

9 Ways to Improve Physical Security at Your Business

Posted in Business Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

security patrol

Has Your Business Considered a Security Company?

Criminals have gotten smarter, which means it’s time to update and improve your physical security systems. Fortunately, there are new and improved ways to protect your assets against those with less than noble intentions. These nine tips can help keep your business at Fort-Knox-level security at a more reasonable price. Read more…

Why Physical Security Should Be Just As Important As Cybersecurity

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san jose security services

How Security Guards and Cybersecurity Work Together

Let’s face it. Cybersecurity is vital! Such is its prominence and importance that hardly a day goes by before it gets mentioned on National news whether it is about cyber terrorism, national government vulnerabilities, or massive data hacks on large corporations. It is this importance that leads to numerous businesses spending significant resources on provisions such as encryption software to safeguard their data and IT systems (and correctly so, to add). Read more…

Ex-Con Explains What Really Stopped Him From Breaking Into Homes

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Here’s 5 Security Tips On How To Avoid Being A Victim of Burglary

Statistics say that there’s one U.S. home being broken into every 15 seconds. How does one prevent that from happening to them? Ex-con Chris Patterson has been convicted 4 times for breaking and entering. But today Chris is on the good side. He shares his experience on how you can avoid getting burglarized.

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Does Your Organization Need an Executive Protection Program?

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Why Your Organization Will Benefit from Executive Protection Services

Bay Area security company


Within any organization, there are high ranking officials whose official duties and responsibilities, net worth, or level of fame and recognition make them huge potential targets for criminals. These individuals usually end up needing extra protection since their prominence makes them more susceptible being victims of violent crimes.

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Physical Security Advancements in 2018

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Bay Area security company

Security Companies Are Making Huge Strides in 2018

2017 has been a pleasant year for the security software and service industry, but 2018 will be the year of rapid change. The year has just commenced, and we are already seeing increasing signs of physical security playing a vital role in cybersecurity and vice versa. Read more…

Emerging Technology in Home Security

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Bay Area security company, alarm response, physical security company

Technology is highly dynamic. Today we see home security features that were once thought possible only in a fictitious world. Thanks to the digital revolution. Improved technology in home security means better protection and improved safety of our property. Let’s take a look at innovations we can expect to hit the market soon. Read more…

Reasons for Hiring Security Guards for Your Business

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Why Physical Security for Your Business is a Must

security guard company

To attract quality personnel and clients to your business, it’s important to ensure that you provide your employees, customers and clients with an environment that they feel safe in. It’s also important to note that security guards are not just for celebrities or politicians. A highly trained security patrol professional at your special event or small business may just end up saving the day. The most important reason for hiring a professional security guard is to ensure that both your staff and clients are safe at all times. With that said, here are some of the key reasons why you should hire professional security guards.

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Silicon Valley Security Patrol and the War on Terror

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Don’t Overlook Physical Security as Privacy War Continues in Silicon Valley

Security Patrol San Jose


The War on Terror has come to Silicon Valley in the most unlikely way – through an Apple iPhone. A federal court recently issued an order for Apple to reset the iCloud account of one of the San Bernardino shooters. Apple is fighting this order, expressing concerns about violating a citizen’s privacy and revealing product secrets to competitors. Now the government believes they will be able to unlock the phone without Apple’s help.  Read more…

San Jose Physical Security Company Addresses Bay Area Crime Trends

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Security Guards, Alarm Response, and Surveillance Systems Deter Property Crime and Protect People

security guard business officer

The number of homicides in San Jose has decreased slightly in the last few years, but residents are still concerned. Due to budget issues, many city police officers have been laid off or have left for other employment. Morale in the department reportedly has been low, at least according to some news stories, and community critics have called some of the force’s policies and overall effectiveness into question.

To obtain extra security and peace of mind, many local communities and businesses are turning to security companies for additional support. Read more…

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