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Currently viewing the tag security patrol

These 5 Necessary Tips Will Help Keep Your Small Business Safe

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security surveillance footage monitored by security guard

A Bay Area Security Company Covers Small Business Security 101

Encryption, firewalls, and vulnerability scans are often a firm’s best defense against a potential hack. Many businesses tend to overlook physical security. Unbeknownst to them, data thieves may not even need a computer to easily gain access to vulnerable information. Without locked doors nor security badges to protect your company data, your business becomes the perfect target. Read more…

3 Ways to Keep Your Vehicle Safe from Theft

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Bay Area security guards

Did you know that over a million cars are stolen in the US every year? While these occurrences pose as a grave concern for vehicle owners, it is a fact that they can keep their cars safe by following a few ground rules. No, you don’t need to be tech savvy or practice elaborate methods; all you have to do is keep the following tips from our Bay Area mobile patrol team in mind. Read more…

How to Prevent Criminal Vandalism in Your Area

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San Jose Security Guards Bay Area Security Company

Have you ever arrived at your home or place of work only to encounter broken windows, slashed car tires, graffiti, littering or any other act of vandalism? Vandalism is an act of destroying and damaging someone else’s property–residential, commercial or municipal–without permission. There are several reasons your business or home can be prone to criminal vandalism. Needless to say, the damage to property and losses might cause you to suffer substantial financial setbacks. Your safest line of defense is to put measures in place to prevent vandalism in your area. Our San Jose security company discusses vandalism and how to protect your property: Read more…

Neighborhood Watch: How to Get Started

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Gilroy Security company

Every homeowner wants to live in a safe and secure neighborhood for the sake of their families and also to keep their property intact. But the key to establishing a safe neighborhood lies with the people who live there and their willingness to enact a neighborhood watch program. Would you like to learn more about how to set up a neighborhood watch in your area?  Orion Security, a Bay Area security patrol company, is here to discuss community security with neighborhood watch programs.  Read more…

The Benefits of Alarm Response Services

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Palo Alto alarm response services San Jose

Security is of paramount importance to the average homeowner today and modern alarm systems offer users advanced methods to detect and send out alerts during emergency situations. Alarm installation offers a certain level of active preparedness and responsibility, which goes a long way toward keeping the family safe from harm. Read more…

Arm Your Apartment With Home Security Devices

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San Jose apartment security patrol company

Whenever you speak to any reputable Bay Area patrol company, they will tell you every place of residence should be safe and secure. This is regardless of whether you live in a condo, home, or apartment. Unfortunately, a significant number of people still make the wrong assumption that apartments either don’t need to implement adequate security measures, or that landlords don’t have to take the responsibility of installing the right wires and relevant installations in order to provide a safe environment. Read more…

Proven Ways to Keep Your Property Secure

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Keep Private Property Secure With Mobile Patrol

Security Patrols for Private Bay Area Property

A majority of homeowners and business owners fully understand that there are several ways to keep their property safe, such as the use of locking doors, window blinds or the installation of alarm systems. However, very few people fully understand how to secure their property appropriately. By using the following simple steps from our Bay Area security company, you will be able to protect your property and anything else of value which may be inside or on your property. Read more…

The Responsibility of a Landlord in Apartment Security

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bay area apartment security patrol company

What Must a Landlord Know About Apartment Security?

Ensuring that the building is free from criminal activities is a primary responsibility of the landlord. Just the way the landlord expects the tenant(s) to pay rent each month when they sign the lease, tenants also expect the landlord to make the apartment a safe dwelling place for them. Landlords not only have the responsibility of protecting their tenant from criminal acts but they also need to ensure that tenants are protected from illegal activities.

Recent reports have revealed that more and more landlords are being sued by tenants for injuries succumbed as a result of criminal activities. Settlement for this lawsuit can range anywhere from $100,000 to $1 million. So what can the landlord do make an apartment complex safer, and what should tenants look for before they move to a new property? Continue reading for the answers to these questions. Read more…

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