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The Top 5 Myths About Physical Security

Posted in Business Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

san jose, bay area, rental property security

Bay Area Security Guard Services for Businesses

As a physical security company, it’s our job to educate clients about the potential for risks, to offer solutions, and convince you to care about your safety as much as we do. Technological advances have given criminals better tools, leading to an increase in building attacks. All it takes is one incident to derail your business. Unfortunately, many downplay their need for physical protection. They buy into myths and neglect to take proper security measures. The following misconceptions aren’t just outdated, they’re dangerous. Let’s take on some of the most common Physical Security myths:

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Who is Responsible For Your Business Security Policy?

Posted in Business Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

San Francisco Security Company Guide To Workplace Security

Security is a big consideration for any organization. Without it, employees and customers won’t feel safe, meaning you may lose both valued team members and the customers you’ve worked so hard to attract. Both employers and employees have a role to play when it comes to making sure a business and the people that help it succeed are safe.

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3 Benefits of Advanced Physical Security Technology

Posted in Business Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

Bay area security

Bay Area Security Companies Talk Security Tech

Security is an area in which organizations that are not actively taking steps to stay ahead are bound to fall behind. Innovations are necessary to make the most of current security measures and anticipate future needs and challenges. Our San Francisco physical security company has compiled the following look at three specific ways investing in technology can boost the effectiveness of premises’ physical security.

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