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Currently viewing the tag home security

To Protect Your Home, Think Like a Thief

Posted in Home Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

think like a thief, home security san jose

When it comes to protecting your home, it makes sense for you to think like a burglar in order to prevent some of the harm they might do to you. However, this may not come so easily to everyone, but with the information below, you will see and understand why it is essential that you adopt such a mentality for the safety and security of your home. Read more…

7 Vital Home Security Tips

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santa clara security company

Home Security Tips From a Bay Area Security Company

Home security is becoming more and more of a necessity. There are many instances of burglary cases taking place all over the country, so you want to equip yourself to deal with these issues. Orion Security is a recognized Bay Area security company specializing in outstanding and affordable security services. Here are some of our key home security tips that will help improve you and your family’s safety. It is important to keep these in mind when preparing for an extended leave or even just a day at work: Read more…

What to Look for in a Home Security System

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San Jose Alarm Response Company Discusses Home Security Systems


You walk out of a scary movie with a terrified daze. The crude scene of a maimed, lifeless, corpse abnormally contorted on the bitter floor, continuously assaults your mind. You make a personal vow to never be found in that dangerous situation and rush home to begin your frantic search for alarm systems. But just 10 minutes into the hunt and you find yourself both scared and confused. Way voice, cellular monitoring, carbon monoxide detectors? Who knew you needed to learn a new language before being able to pick a security system? Feeling defeated, you detach teary eyes from the computer screen and sigh at the prevailing sense of confusion that fills your thought. Read more…

Neighborhood Watch Roles and when Security Companies can Help

Posted in Home Security, Personal Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

What Makes Up a Strong & Secure Neighborhood Watch Program?

With the recent controversies regarding officer conduct, police forces and security companies have never been under such public scrutiny. Some are questioning whether or not the very people meant to protect them are trustworthy. Despite the national uproars and impending cases surrounding police brutality, there are many security personnel and bodyguards who provide invaluable services that adequately protect the safety of civilians.

Neighborhood Crime Watch Sign for Safe Neighborhoods Read more…

Advice on Preventing Vehicle Break-Ins

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San Francisco Bay Area Vehicle Security Tips

Vehicle Security Patrol

Burglars break into millions of vehicles every year, thousands of cars in the Bay Area alone. Many break-ins are crimes of convenience – for instance, a driver leaves a valuable item, like a laptop, in plain sight and a thief sees the computer through the window and breaks in to snag it. To prevent car burglaries, consider these crucial Bay Area vehicle safety tips from a professional security guard company:

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How to Protect Your Home From Burglary

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Bay Area Home Security Tips

palo alto security patrol

Here’s a frightening fact: burglaries occur at a rate of one home every 15 seconds. Can an effective Bay Area security company help reduce the odds that your home will be next?

In addition to exploring professional customized solutions, consider adopting several of these protective measures to avoid costly, damaging, and scary burglary experiences:

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