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Currently viewing the tag bay area security guard company

What can Employees Do To Increase Workplace Security

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Prepare Your Employees For Bay Area Security Guard Services

It is a good time to beef-up security and safety for your business, but even more so for your staff and team. Talk to an expert at a Bay Area physical security company, to learn more about the many benefits of San Jose security guards and additional measures to protect your company.

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Don’t Leave Security Up To Chance

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Bay Area security patrol

Physical Security Advice From Our Bay Area Security Guards

Every employee at a given company has some level of responsibility for security, but there are certain measures that business owners and top-level decision-makers need to take to ensure businesses are secure. This article provides a rundown of several of those steps.

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How To Lay a Foundation for Robbery Prevention

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bay area security companies

Our Bay Area Security Company Shares How to Ensure Your Business is Secure

Crimes such as burglary, robbery, vandalism, employee theft, embezzlement, and many others will cost businesses billions of dollars this year. As a business owner, it is up to you to take preventative measures. Luckily, there are many tools available to help you. You have to lay out a foundation for prevention, and here is how you do that:

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Back-to-School Safety Checklist

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back to school safety tips from santa clara san jose patrol

Physical Security Means Staying Safe

Are you ready for back-to-school season? Make sure that part of preparing for the coming school year is to teach children basic back-to-school safety tips. Whether your kids ride the bus or walk to class, use tips offered by industry experts, like a Santa Clara security patrol company, to reinforce and remind children and parents of the hazards outside the home. Read more…

5 Essentials to Consider Before You Buy a Small Business Security System

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Small Business Security

CCTV camera

So you have quit your boring 9-5 job, saved up enough capital to start your choice of small businesses and have resolved to live a life of your dreams where you are the only boss. Well, the perks of being a small business owner are many but, with that there are also many responsibilities associated in terms of procuring security surveillance as your business starts to grow. Let us look into what could be the 5 most important things to consider before you buy a small business security system.

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Private Property and Dealing With Trespassing on Your Land

Posted in Business Security, Home Security, Safety Advice, Security on by

Security Guards Discuss What You Can Do When Someone is Trespassing on Your Land


No one likes a trespasser. Unfortunately, despite obvious warnings, notifications, and clear parameters that designate a piece of property as “off limits,” transgressors still exist. This is where security guards and alarm systems can come in handy. But there are other precautions you can take to protect the privacy of your land. Read more…

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